The Family Doctor's Office, PC provides family centered medical care for all ages, newborns to adults. This includes urgent visits for acute illnesses as well as for preventive healthcare visits such as well child visits and Pap smears. We also perform in office procedures such as minor skin surgery.
Office Hours
The office is open Monday through Wednesday, closed Thursday, and open Friday. Office hours are 8:30 am to 11:30 am and 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
Same day appointments are often available.
Make An Appointment
To make an appointment, please call the office during normal business hours. You can also make an appointment through our patient portal.
The office telephone number is (816) 415-2999.
Prescription Refills
If you need a prescription refill, please have your pharmacy send an electronic request through their computer system to the office. A somewhat slower option is for your pharmacy to send a faxed refill request. The office fax number is 816-415-9989.
Referral Requests
First, find out if your health insurance requires a referral before you see a specialist. If not, you can call the specialist's office at your convenience to set up an appointment. If a formal referral is needed, it can only be done for problems that Dr. Carder has recently checked on in the office. If Dr. Carder has not seen you for this problem recently, you will need to make an appointment with our office so we can discuss the referral. If Dr. Carder has recently checked on this problem then please call the office during normal busines hours and leave a message with the front office staff.