Contact Us

During regular office hours, the best way to contact us is to call the office at (816) 415-2999.

After hours, the phone is answered by an answering machine. This allows you to leave non-urgent messages like appointment requests.

If you need to reach Dr. Carder outside of normal office hours for an urgent problem, you may call his cell phone at (816) 694-5044.

If you wish, you can use the form to the left to send Dr. Carder a secure message.

You can also e-mail Dr. Carder at Remember, e-mail is not a good way to discuss sensitive information.  If you would like to use e-mail to communicate with Dr. Carder, please read the e-mail policy for more information.

Billing Inquiries

Billing questions are handled by Toni. She is normally in the office all day Monday through Wednesday.  Please call with billing questions during those times.

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